> my public profile @ linkedin
> my favorite weblinks
> portfolio didactical training (password req.)
> wouters weblog (password req.)
> photogallery summerseminar 2009
> photogallery summerseminar 2010
> photogallery summerseminar 2011
> photogalleries excursions acu
> make no little plans
> graduation project TU/e
> contact

Jewish Museum Berlin, arch. Daniel Libeskind

[ jeroenmens.nl / home ]

Welcome at my site. If the name of my site is hard for you to pronounce, you probably aren't Dutch...as I am! As you might have guessed, the name of this site is my own name.

My site serves several purposes. To begin with, this site is my individual search for the (im)possibilities I have concerning the internet. What can I achieve with (very) limited means in terms of different lay-outs, interactivity and so on? That is why different parts of this site have different lay-outs... why this site will never be finished and why this site, to be honoust, will be under construction most of the time. But hey... It's an experiment!
Secondly, with this site I would like to show and share different aspect of my work as a lecturer at the HU (Hogeschool Utrecht) University of Applied Sciences. As a lecturer at the Institute of Built Environment being specialized in architecture, in combination with my passion for photography, I collect masses of visual material which I would like to expose on my site. Thirdly, I will use this site for private things, like my little son's personal weblog. Because of the personal character of these parts of this site, I have protected them with a password.

I hope you will enjoy strolling through my webpages. If you feel the need to contact me, please use the contact-button on the left.

© jeroenmens.nl / june 2009